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Fidelio – Royal Opera House – 2024

Fidelio – Royal Opera House – 2024

Last Updated on October 12, 2024

Is Fidelity to Fidelio essential?

To what extent do we, as observers of injustice, have a responsibility to act? The new revival of Tobias Kratzer’s Fidelio production from the Royal Ballet and Opera seems to tacitly pose this question. As a concept, it does take Beethoven’s only opera to a new and interesting place.

Originally written as Léonore, Beethoven had a few false starts with Fidelio. For a start, It’s an unusual play to form an operatic substrate. The start has little to do with the end, there is a huge transition in style between the first and second acts and the ending is too indulgent. Fidelio covers themes of liberty, justice and love. The eponymous main man is actually Léonore, the wife of imprisoned Florestan. Léonore, posing as Fidelio, enters the prison where her husband is kept and attempts to ingratiate herself with the gaoler, Rocco. During the process, Rocco’s Daughter Marzelline falls in love with Fidelo and Léonore uncovers a plot by Pizarro to slowly kill Florestan.

Fidelio – Royal Opera House – 2024

The first act of Tobias Kratzer’s production takes place in France during the terror. A draped French tricolore looms large over the scene, soldiers brandishing bayonets march in and Pizarro rides a real black horse onto stage. Rainer Sellmaier’s designs are picturesque and striking and the whole feels like a well-done period setting. Act II blows that clean out the water from the moment the curtain rises. Florestan’s deep dark cell lands in the middle of a semi-circular audience on a bright white background. From this moment on the show becomes two parallel shows. The scripted and sung action on stage is seen alongside the reactions of the stage audience. We see how apathetic the onlookers are to Florestan’s desolation.

The stage audience does undergo transformations though, first feeling guilty about drinking while Florestan thirsts. Then, feeling guilty about snacking on chocolate while he starves. As Pizarro steams in to murder Florestan the audience flees in terror and eventually, galvanised by Marzelline’s heroism they rise up against the oppressor, becoming an explicit part of the scene.  All this happens alongside an already gripping drama, twin threads woven into one impossibly tense rope. It makes for captivating theatre.

Royal Ballet and Opera - Fidelio - October 2024Royal Ballet and Opera - Fidelio - October 2024

Unsurprisingly, given the composer, the music is wonderful. Conductor Alexander Soddy does masterful work building and sustaining the tension, released at times by climax and at times by silence. The overture to Fidelio is one of the greatest in all opera and through typical bullheadishness, Beethoven has written some of the most challenging but entertaining vocal parts.

Former Jette Parker artist Jennifer Davis plays Léonore. At first, Davis seems quite restrained and was even overshadowed at times by Christina Gansch’s Marzelline. However, as the show rolls through, Léonore becomes more open and passionate. Davis matches this energy leaping into soaring high notes which fill the Opera House.

Jochen Schmeckenbecher is a villainous, Robespierre-esque Pizarro. Each of the parts has spoken as well as sung sections and Schmeckenbecher stands out for his delivery, each word dripping with menace and bile. 

Eric Cutler is Florestan. Florestan is always an odd contrast, he’s a dying, threadbare prisoner on his last breaths who somehow has the singing voice of a god. Cutler definitely matches the voice, from his first note he’s distinctive, rich and powerful. Clearly a world-class singer on good form.

Peter Rose sang well as Rocco and embodied a complex character deftly.

Royal Ballet and Opera - Fidelio - 2024Royal Ballet and Opera - Fidelio - 2024

Kratzer’s production chops and changes the original libretto, adds new roles for characters, adds depth and even new texts from authors that aren’t there. It has preserved the potentially imperfect carcass of the original and moulded it into something new, effective and thoughtful. It may not be an entirely faithful Fidelio, but is Fidelity to Fidelio essential? Clearly not.

Fidelio runs until the 26th of October


Royal Opera House,
Covent Garden, 
London WC2E 9DD

Meaning, Types, Benefits, How to do, Ayurveda perspective

Meaning, Types, Benefits, How to do, Ayurveda perspective

Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa S, B.A.M.S

What is Bandha?

In general terms, Bandha means to get arrested or locked. It also means bond or ‘catching hold of’ or tighten.

Meaning, Types, Benefits, How to do, Ayurveda perspective

We come across this term ‘Bandha’ in tests of or discussions about Yoga. So, what is Bandha as far as Yogic practices are concerned? We will discuss that in this article.

Bandha in Yoga practice also means lock, ‘body lock’ to be precise.

Bandha is a kriya in Hatha Yoga practice. It is also a kind of internal mudra. It is described as a ‘body lock’ because it helps in locking down the vital energy needed for our life into the body.

So, Bandha is a Yoga practice to arrest or lock the vital energy inside the body.

Bandhas are energy locks which are targeted to tighten or close off the areas of the body. They are also called as energetic locks or seals.

Principles and Mechanism

The bandhas when practiced religiously and regularly will help in locking the Pranas or Prana energy – the vital life energy or force in particular areas of the body and redirect the flow of Prana into Sushumna Nadi. This aims at achieving spiritual awakening. Bandhas are achieved by tightening and lifting certain muscles of the body.

Bandhas are practiced and focussed towards channelizing the Prana energy or force, which is a type of primordial cosmic energy that is responsible for regulation of almost all biological functions in the body. Bandhas involve concentrated muscular contractions. When practiced, these contractions temporarily resist blood flow in certain areas of the body. When one releases the lock, it boosts / strengthens circulation and increases blood flow. They also help in rejuvenating and strengthening the targeted areas and flush the dead cells from therein. Bandhas also help in improving concentration and focus and supports nurturing and maintaining digestive, hormonal, metabolic and sexual health when practiced regularly.

Purpose of practicing Bandhas

Pingala Nadi is a channel that runs along the length of the spinal cord, through the seven chakras. For Prana energy to flow freely, this Nadi should remain open and clear. Bandhas are performed / practiced to regulate and channel the flow of Prana. It helps in achieving several primary purposes including purification and removal of blocks to enable energy flow, preserving Prana energy in the body and preventing it leaking out of the body, re-directing prana from energy rich to energy deprived areas of the body and stimulating the chakras to initiate Kundalini awakening, which is an expanded state of consciousness and to help one to balance and be in harmony with self.

Those who have mastered the Bandhas will also use them during asana, while initially they are practiced during kriya and pranayama practices.

Types of Bandhas

There are three main types of Bandhas. They are –

1.    Jalandhara Bandha – throat lock – wherein the chin is tucked close to the chest
2.    Uddiyana Bandha – abdomen lock – wherein the abdomen is contracted into the ribcage
3.    Mula / Moola Bandha – perineum lock – wherein the perineum is contracted

Maha Bandha or the great lock – is the combination of all these three Bandhas.

The three bandhas are considered as one of the three key principles of Yoga practice in Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga.

Mula Bandha

It is a primary Bandha in traditional Yoga practice.

Mula means root or base. It also means foundation, cause origin or beginning.

Earliest mention – Gorakshasataka – 12th century Shaiva Natha text.

Importance – It is a technique to ‘master over breath’ and to awaken Kundalini energy (Goddess Kundalini).

How to do?

The practitioner (yogi) would lock the perineum by inducing contraction over there. By doing so, he forces the apana which is moving downwards to move upwards. This is called mula bandha or the root lock.

This apana stimulates the agni. Both combine to reach prana and as a result the prana gets overheated.

This heated prana creates a blaze in the body which in turn heats up the sleeping Kundalini waking her up.

Hissing and straightening herself, Kundalini now enters Brahma Nadi. This happens with regular practice of Mula Bandha.

The root referred in the context of Mula Bandha is the root of the spine, the pelvic floor or the centre of the pelvic floor i.e. the perineum according to Maehle.


–        Activates Muladhara Chakra / Root Chakra and enables spiritual awakening
–        Tones reproductive organs and perineum
–        Tones digestive system

Caution – This bandha should not be practiced while having active bleeding from rectum or by those having serious heart disease, high blood pressure or major illness.

In Mula Bandha – men can contract the area between the anus and testes and women can contract the muscles at the bottom of the pelvic floor behind the cervix.

Uddiyana Bandha

Uddiyana means flying up or rising up or upward lifting.

In terms of Yoga, it can be understood as ‘flying up or lifting up’ of one’s Prana energy by locking the abdomen.

It is called as upward lifting lock or abdominal lock.

Importance – It is the bandha which has been described and employed in Hatha Yoga practices, mainly in the Nauli purification practice.

How to do?

The practitioner (Yogi) exhales the air out to begin with.

Doing so, he pulls up the abdomen upwards, under the ribcage by taking a false inhale while holding the breath.

He later releases the abdomen after a pause.

He repeats this cycle many times before letting the air into the lungs so as to resume normal breathing.

The procedure of moving the upper abdomen inwards underneath the ribcage while moving the chest outwards, is called Uddiyana Bandha.


–        It stimulates the digestive system.
–        It stimulates the pancreas. Therefore, it is beneficial for those suffering from diabetes mellitus.
–        It strengthens the immune system.
–        It strengthens the muscles of the abdomen
–        It balances the mind and anger and corrects depressive mood.

Caution – This bandha should not be practiced by those having high blood pressure, peptic ulcers, glaucoma, heart disease or hernia. Pregnant women too shall avoid doing Uddiyana Bandha.

Jalandhara Bandha

The word Jalandhara is made up of two terms Jala and dhara. Jala means web or net. Dhara means to hold / holding.

In terms of Yoga, it can be understood as creating a net or web to arrest the vital prana energy between the chin and chest.

It is also called as Chin Bandha or Chin Lock.

Importance – It is also described and employed in Hatha Yoga practice.

How to do?

The practitioner (Yogi), while performing this Bandha will extend his neck and elevate his sternum and then drops his head in a way that the chin rests on the chest. Meanwhile, he pushes his tongue up against the roof of his mouth (palate).


–        It activates the Vishuddha Chakra – throat chakra.
–        It enhances the blood flow to the brain.
–        This bandha stimulates the thyroid and parathyroid glands and helps in regulating the metabolism.

Caution – Performing this Bandha should be avoided by people who have high or low blood pressure, heart diseases, cervical spondylosis or spondylitis and neck stiffness.

Maha Bandha

Maha Bandha is an advanced Yogic practice. Maha means great. Bandha means lock or seal. Maha Bandha involves practicing three major bandhas explained above, together. So, in Maha Bandha, the practitioner or Yogi practices Mula Bandha, Uddiyana Bandha and Jalandhar Bandha together. The effect of this practice will be many folds more than what it bestows when these Bandhas are done individually. Channelizing the Prana energy in the body is the main benefit of Maha Bandha, as in individual Bandhas.

How to do?

There are different sequences in doing these three bandhas in locking and unlocking the prana energy.

One school says that the practitioner or Yogi firstly engages himself in Jalandhara Bandha, then engage Uddiyana Bandha and finally the Mula Bandha. The release should be in the reverse order i.e. firstly release Mula Bandha, then the Uddiyana Bandha and finally Jalandhara Bandha.

As per the other school of practice, firstly the practitioner / Yogi engages himself in Mula Bandha. Then he fully exhales and activates Jalandhara. Then he bends forwards and performs Uddiyana. The collective practice is Maha Bandha. While releasing these Bandhas, the reverse order is followed i.e. Uddiyana first, Jalandhara second and finally Mula Bandha.

Mula – Uddiyana – Jalandhara in locking and the reverse in unlocking is also mentioned and followed by some practitioners. The first school of thinking is widely accepted.


–        It activates Muladhara Chakra (root chakra), Manipura Chakra (navel chakra) and Vishuddha Chakra (throat chakra).
–        One would get the benefits of all the three Bandhas in Maha Bandha.
–        It strengthens the autonomic nervous system.
–        It regulates endocrine glands.
–        It increases core strength and tones internal organs.
–        It helps in improving the functions of intestines
–        It helps in promoting immunity.
–        It energizes the body.
–        It helps in improving concentration and moving the internal energy upwards.
–        It bestows heightened levels of awareness and helps in self-realization.
–        When combined with meditation, Maha Bandha bestows immense benefits at physical, mental and spiritual levels. It is also integrated with Pranayama and Yoga Asana practices to boost the therapeutic and healing effects.

Caution – While following the same precautions mentioned in case of practice of individual bandhas, Maha Bandha should not be practiced during menstruation and pregnancy and those suffering from high blood pressure or heart diseases. Those suffering from abdominal conditions and intestinal disorders or hernia, ulcers, stroke, paralysis, respiratory issues should also avoid the practice of Maha Bandha. Those who have not mastered individual bandhas too should not practice Maha Bandha.

Other principles of combo-functioning of Bandhas  

The Mula Bandha functions in sealing / locking the lower end of the spinal column while Jalandhara locks the upper end of the spinal column. When they work together, they would close both ends. Mula Bandha blocks the downward movement and escape of energy and pulls it back towards the navel region. On the other hand, Jalandara Bandha temporarily prevents prana energy from moving up. When both these are engaged along with Uddiyana Bandha, they work in magnifying the interior fire.

One needs to remember that Mula and Jalandhara Bandha can be performed after both inhalation and exhalation, one should only engage in Uddiyana and Maha Bandha in Bahya Kumbhaka or external retention.

Bandhas are said to be extremely beneficial for the chakras – the energy centres, the nadis – channels of prana flow and brain centres. While purifying the channels of energy and removing the blocks, they help in establishing balance and harmony in the system. 

Strivectin Brighten and Restore on Mature Skin| Well+Good

Strivectin Brighten and Restore on Mature Skin| Well+Good

With the Well+Good SHOP, our editors put their years of know-how to work in order to pick products (from skin care to self care and beyond) they’re betting you’ll love. While our editors independently select these products, making a purchase through our links may earn Well+Good a commission. Happy shopping! Explore the SHOP

For some of us, spooky season brings the frightening reveal of sun damage from the summer past. When the August glow has faded, it often leaves behind melasma and hyperpigmentation—which means doubling down on gentle skin-tone evening ingredients like vitamin C and retinol.

To combat discoloration on my own complexion, I scooped up the StriVectin Brighten & Restore Discovery Kit, which is designed to—you guessed it—brighten and restore skin. The affordable trio contains generous sizes of three products—The Super-C Retinol Brighten & Correct Vitamin C Serum, Multi-Action Restorative Cream, and Super-C Dark Circle Brightening Eye Serum—all for $79. My goal with the set was to minimize sun damage, but the fact that it helps diminish wrinkles, too, is a huge bonus—multi-tasking is a must!

How it works

The products claim to work synergistically to brighten, hydrate, and tone the skin. The star ingredient in the set is vitamin C, which is known for its discoloration-fighting abilities. “Vitamin C brightens the skin by downregulating an enzyme called tyrosinase, which is a key enzyme in the process of melanin synthesis,” says board-certified dermatologist Rebecca Marcus, MD, FAAD, Besides working on sun spots, it also helps brighten dark under-eye circles, which explains its prime billing in the eye product.

The serum pairs the powerhouse ingredient with retinol, which kicks its skin-tone evening prowess up a notch. “Vitamin C and retinol both stimulate collagen production, and retinol also inhibits collagen breakdown and improves cell turnover,” says Dr. Marcus. “Combining them into a single serum could be beneficial because it cuts down on the number of steps in one’s skincare routine.”

Though the Multi-Action Restorative Cream is light on actives, it serves a very important purpose as a part of the overall regimen. “Using a cream over a serum may enhance the activity of the serum by reinforcing the skin barrier and preventing the evaporation of moisture from the skin,” says Dr. Marcus. “The shea butter in the cream is an excellent emollient, and helps to support the skin barrier and decrease trans-epidermal water loss.”

What happened when I tried it

Super-C Dark Circle Brightening Eye Serum is a lightweight, clear formula, and I noticed a brightening and tightening effect after using it for a few days. My skin leans dry, so I layer it under an eye cream at night. I appreciate the concentrated potency, but it causes zero irritation and glides on perfectly under concealer (which I’ve needed less of since dark circles are diminished!).

The face serum is also lightweight, and the smell reminds me of Vitamin C chewables! However, I was happy it was not overly perfumed and, best of all, not sticky. Since I’ve been using it, my skin is so smooth—like after a facial. Despite using the product daily, the retinol has (rather surprisingly!) not irritated my skin or caused any peeling. Rather, my complexion looks bright and the summer sun damage has noticeably started to fade. I’m thrilled with the low-pain, high-gain effect.

The Multi-Action Restorative Cream is very hydrating but quickly sinks in completely. I love this cream when my skin is dry, and use it day and night. It doesn’t clog pores and is an ideal base under makeup. It also promises anti-aging benefits, and since I started using this set, my forehead looks like I had Botox (without the needles!), so it’s a great buy.

From the first time I tried this trio, I was impressed with how radiant and smooth my skin looked. So now it’s just me and the Strivectin power trio for a streamlined morning skin-care routine.

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Our editors independently select these products. Making a purchase through our links may earn Well+Good a commission.

5 Binge-worthy Shows For The Perfect Cozy Autumn Evening

5 Binge-worthy Shows For The Perfect Cozy Autumn Evening

As the vibrant colours of autumn paint a picturesque scene outside, there is a distinct charm in cosying up on the couch, snuggling under warm blankets, and immersing oneself in the world of television. The coolness in the air brings about an innate desire to stay cooped up indoors and embark on an epic marathon of binge-watching shows and going on thrilling adventures.

As the leaves turn amber and the scent of pumpkin spice fills the air, we bid farewell to summer blockbusters and welcome the season of TV series marathons. Here, we have carefully selected a list of fall TV favourites that are perfect for those cosy autumn evenings. So grab a cup of hot cocoa, light up the fireplace, and prepare to dive into these captivating universes right from the comfort of your living room.

5 Binge-worthy Shows For The Perfect Cozy Autumn Evening

Why Fall is the Perfect Time for Binge-watching

Fall is the ultimate season for binge-watching, as the crisp air and golden hues create the perfect atmosphere to immerse yourself in your favourite TV worlds. As the days gradually become shorter and the temperatures drop, our homes transform into irresistible havens of warmth and comfort. Picture yourself nestled on a plush sofa, surrounded by fluffy cushions and adorned with soft throws, as the serene aura of fall envelops you.

The gentle flickering of a scented candle adds an extra touch of cosiness to the scene. From fiery reds and oranges to tranquil shades of amber and brown, the evening sky sets the mood for a relaxing night in. The cool breeze carries with it the promise of captivating dramas, laugh-out-loud comedies, or mind-bending science fiction. Whether you find yourself drawn to gripping plotlines, witty dialogue, or fantastical worlds, fall offers the perfect opportunity to unwind and escape into the captivating realm of television. So grab your favourite snacks, dim the lights, and let the enchanting vibes of fall transport you to a world of entertainment and relaxation.

Top Five Binge-worthy Shows for Fall

Get ready for the ultimate fall season binge! 🍂📺

Don’t miss my top 5 binge-worthy shows that’ll have you hooked from the first episode. With suspenseful plots, captivating storylines, and unforgettable characters, these shows will keep you glued to your screen for hours on end. Whether you’re into thrilling dramas, mind-bending mysteries, or laugh-out-loud comedies, this list has got you covered.

So grab your snacks, get cosy, and dive into an incredible binge-watching adventure! Get ready to be entertained like never before!

Fall TV Favourites: 5 Binge-worthy Shows for Cosy Autumn Evenings
  1. Gilmore Girls: Set in the idyllic town of Stars Hollow, this dramedy revolves around the life of single mother Lorelai Gilmore and her daughter Rory. Packed with sharp-witted dialogues, endearing characters, and a whole lot of coffee, ‘Gilmore Girls’ is perfect for the fall season, mirroring its warm aesthetic and cosy vibes. Available to stream on Netflix.
Fall TV Favourites: 5 Binge-worthy Shows for Cosy Autumn Evenings
  1. Virgin River: This heartwarming series, based on Robyn Carr’s bestselling novels, follows the life of Melinda Monroe, a nurse who moves from LA to the remote town of Virgin River. It’s an ideal watch for fall, capturing the essence of small-town life against stunning natural backdrops. You can find it on Netflix.
Fall TV Favourites: 5 Binge-worthy Shows for Cosy Autumn Evenings
  1. Outlander: A genre-bending series that combines romance, science fiction, history, and adventure. It chronicles the life of Claire Randall, a WWII nurse who accidentally travels back in time to 18th Century Scotland. Its enthralling storytelling and breathtaking landscapes make it a great fall watch. Stream it on Starz.
Fall TV Favourites: 5 Binge-worthy Shows for Cosy Autumn Evenings
  1. Heartland: A family drama set in the Albertan Rockies, ‘Heartland’ revolves around a family of horse ranchers dealing with the trials of life, love, and loss. Its heartwarming narratives and the serene backdrop of the countryside make it an ideal pick for a cosy fall evening. Available on Netflix.
Fall TV Favourites: 5 Binge-worthy Shows for Cosy Autumn Evenings
  1. Sweet Magnolias: This charming Southern drama explores the lives of three lifelong friends juggling careers, family, and relationships in the small town of Serenity. Its emotional depth, strong female leads, and the comforting small-town vibe make it a perfect series for the fall season. You can stream it on Netflix.

Binge-watching Tips for the Ultimate Fall Experience

Ready to dive into the pure joy of autumn binge-watching? Elevate your cosy TV marathon experience with these valuable suggestions that will take your autumn vibes to the next level! 🍂📺✨

  1. Cosy is Key: Make your seating area the epitome of comfort. Pile on the snug blankets and plush cushions for that perfect snuggle-worthy vibe.
  2. Munchies and Drinks: Whip up your go-to fall indulgences. Snacks are a must for any TV marathon, whether it’s a bowl of buttery popcorn, warm slices of apple pie, or a platter of cheesy delights. And don’t forget your favourite hot beverage, like a steamy mug of cocoa, apple cider, or a pumpkin spice latte.
  3. Set the Mood: The right lighting can transform your viewing experience. Soft, warm lights or twinkling fairy lights can create that cosy ambience you crave.
  4. Take Breathers: Avoid screen fatigue by taking short breaks between episodes. Stretch it out, take a walk, or gaze out the window and soak in the breathtaking fall scenery.
  5. Binge-Watching Buddy: Lastly, if you can, enjoy the journey with a partner, friend, or even a furry companion. Sharing the series-watching experience makes it all the more delightful. Remember, the joy of fall binge-watching lies in the moments, not just the episodes. Happy viewing!
Fall TV Favourites: 5 Binge-worthy Shows for Cosy Autumn Evenings

Final Thoughts

As the crisp autumn winds draw us indoors, it’s the perfect time to immerse ourselves in the captivating worlds of our recommended TV shows. From the heartwarming tales of Gilmore Girls and Virgin River to the thrilling time-travelling escapades of Outlander, the emotional depth of Sweet Magnolias, and the breathtaking landscapes of Heartland, there’s something for everyone. So grab your favourite fall snacks, snuggle up under a cosy blanket, and embark on a viewing adventure that will both entertain and uplift you. My recommendations are here to enrich your fall viewing experience.

Don’t forget to share your thoughts and let me know your all-time favourite autumnal watch. Let’s celebrate the joy of autumn together, one episode at a time.

Happy viewing!

Before you go!

Here are some more autumnal blog posts you may be interested to read:

My Top 10 Favourite Things About Autumn

14 Autumn essentials that will help to keep you cosy!

Create an Essential Capsule Wardrobe: A Complete Guide

One Dish Wonders | Eat & Drink

One Dish Wonders | Eat & Drink

London has a lot of restaurants and a lot of delivery options, which means that there are a lot of dishes being served at any one time

Throw in guest chef residencies, takeovers and restaurant collabs, it’s easy for some bangin’ specials to pass you by. Well not anymore because we’ve rounded up the best limited edition plates, aka one dish wonders, available for eat-in, delivery and takeaway in one place so you know where and when to get them.

Secret Sandwich Shop x Flying Goose’s Sando

Secret Sandwich Shop is getting saucy this season by bringing in Flying Goose for a collab sando. The absolutely stacked sarnie features two slices of charcoal milk loaf filled with turkey, chorizo, lettuce, tomato, Monster Munch crumb and lashings of two Flying Goose sauces – the Sriracha Blackout and the Spicy Sriracha Mayo.

Available until Thurs 31st October 2024
103 Talbot Road, London, W11 2AT

Crosstown’s Halloween Doughnuts

Crosstown is celebrating spooky season with three limited-edition flavours: the Matcha Monster, a dark chocolate truffle-filled doughnut topped with matcha & dark chocolate ganache; the Mummified Raspberry Jam, a raspberry jam-filled doughnut glazed with Tongan vanilla bean bandages; and the Phantom Pumpkin, a pumpkin cake doughnut, filled with dulce de leche, dipped in pumpkin glaze and topped with meringue ghosts.

Available until Thurs 31st October 2024
All Crosstown locations

Bun House’s Mummy Buns

Bun House’s Halloween buns are back! These mummy buns, complete with tiny little pumpkins, are filled with a rich purple yam lava filling, although they’re almost too cute to eat. If you can bear to break into them, you can by the buns ready to eat at Bun House or to take away and steam at home.

Available from Sat 26th – 31st October 2024
26 – 27 Lisle Street, London, WC2H 7BA  

Bangers x Kold Sauce’s The Kold Banger

Breakfast is getting a glow up thanks to Bangers and Kold Sauce, who have joined forces to create the Kold Banger brekkie sarnie. It’s packed with thick-cut Kold-glazed ham, runny fried egg, grilled pineapple slice, fresh crisps and the collab Burnt Pineapple Hot Pepper Ketchup inside a toasted milk bun, and you can get your hands on it at Bangers throughout November. The spesh hot pepper ketchup will also be available to buy exclusively on DELLI.

Available from Fri 1st – Sat 30th November 2024
5 Leonard Circus, London, EC2A 4DQ

atis x Le Bab’s Collab Plate and Salad

Salad bar atis and fancy kebab spot Le Bab have teamed up for a bit of a dish swap this autumn. At atis you can get can a collab plate, with sumac tomato salad, cucumber, grains, za’atar pitta chips and Le Bab’s herb yoghurt and chilli sauces (plus atis toppings like bavette steak and sweet potato), and that’s on the menu right up until Christmas. At Le Bab (until 4th November), you can get a collab bowl, with quinoa, foragers mix salad, celery salsa, roasted squash, hummus, crispy kale, pine nuts, pomegranate, and Eaten Alive sauerkraut with atis’ vegan jalapeno caesar or miso ponzu dressing (plus Le Bab toppings like lamb, chicken or roasted aubergine sabich).

Available until Mon 4th November and Tues 24th December 2024
All atis and Le Bab sites

Layers x Origin Coffee’s Tonka Bean and Coffee Croissant

East London bakery Layers and speciality coffee roasters Origin Coffee are teaming up to fight food waste – and in seriously tasty way. This limited-edition Tonka Bean and Coffee Croissant features surplus coffee grinds in leftover dough, which is then baked with coffee cream inside and topped with tonka bean, black cardamom and white chocolate cream. YUM.

Available from Mon 7th October – Thurs 7th November 2024
Layers and Origin’s London shops

Eggbreak x Wilde’s x It’s Bagels’ Shuk Bagel

Eggbreak has called in two big guns for its latest collab special – new-wave Jewish deli Wilde’s and NYC-style bagel shop It’s Bagels. The result of this dream team partnership? The Shuk Bagel, an It’s Bagels garlic bagel filled with salt beef from Wilde’s plus shakshuka sauce, spicy jam, a cheesy fried and spicy pickled kraut.

Available until Sat 30th November 2024
30 Uxbridge Street, London, W8 7TA

Thunderbird Fried Chicken x Rosa’s Thai Thaimarind Wings

Like friendly neighbours, Thunderbird Fried Chicken is borrowing a bit of tamarind sauce from Rosa’s Thai this September to create some special Thaimarind wings: TFC’s award-winning fried wings topped with Rosa’s famous tamarind sauce (you’ll recognise it from their pad Thai), crispy onions, coriander and toasted sesame seeds.

Available until Weds 18th December 2024
All Thunderbird Fried Chicken locations

Bone Daddies x Tajin’s Pastor Ramen

It’s the Mexican–Japanese, taco-ramen mash-up you never knew you needed. Bone Daddies has teamed up with Tajin for a Pastor Ramen, featuring BD’s signature 20-hour pork broth and noodles, topped with al pastor pork, crispy nachos, pineapple pico, charred elotes, coriander, Tajin chilli & lime seasoning, half a soy egg and beansprouts. You won’t be able to keep your spoon out of this one.

Available until Thurs 31st October 2024
All Bone Daddies locations

Tonkotsu x Farang’s Red Curried Fishcake Ramen

Tonkotsu is teaming up with Thai restaurant Farang for warming collab ramen that’s perfect for autumn. For the spesh bowl, Tonkotsu’s chicken broth is enriched with a spicy red curry paste from Farang’s spin-off brand Payst, then loaded with Tonkotsu’s noodles, Farang’s Thai fishcakes, bean sprouts, curry leaf, Thai basil, a soy egg and curry leaf salt.

Available from Tues 17th September – end of October 2024
All Tonkotsu locations

Ria’s Deep-Fried Mars Bar

Ria’s, Notting Hill’s deep-dish pizza and natural wine spot, has just introduced a new special in a nod to co-founder Ria Morgan’s Scottish heritage. Their Tennent’s Beer-Battered Deep-Fried Mars Bar is an indulgent twist on the nostalgic favourite and goes perfect with a side of ice cream.

29 All Saints Road, London W11 1HE

THEATRE – Show – Lewis Fuller’s ‘Ungentlemenly Conduct’

THEATRE – Show – Lewis Fuller’s ‘Ungentlemenly Conduct’

Lewis Fuller – ‘Ungentlemanly Conduct’ 

I went to see Lewis Fuller’s Ed Fringe debut, not knowing entirely what to expect, as I know him purely based on his magic skills. What Lewis delivers is a slick blend of Saturday Night Variety-style performance with a touch of Vegas pizzazz sprinkled throughout. It’s a show with a complex mixture of ideas, with one or two elements that don’t work as well as the others, but overall, it’s a thoroughly entertaining performance.

A likeable character, Lewis combines the magic and sleight of hand he’s known for with his frankly epic vocal talents, some cheeky comedy quips, and a fictional big-screen backstory that’s a nod to the Netflix show The Gentleman.  Lewis interacts with the crowd throughout, and tonight, they were somewhat lacklustre. Seemingly undeterred, he continues with his high-energy approach – which can surely win over any room (Lewis has performed for celebrities and Royalty many times). There are watch tricks, card tricks, a doozy of a credit card trick and even £500 up for grabs.  His charm, wit and talents win over the audience, who are now fully on board for a rousing sing-along.  Ungentlemanly Conduct is an ambitious show, but Lewis Fuller has the chops to deliver it brilliantly.

The Gilded Balloon (Downstairs), Patter House at 8.30pm until 25 August. Tickets: HERE

THEATRE – Show – Lewis Fuller’s ‘Ungentlemenly Conduct’

Protein for Women: Part 2 Plus How to Use Aminos, BCAA’s, Collagen and Creatine

Protein for Women: Part 2 Plus How to Use Aminos, BCAA’s, Collagen and Creatine

When it comes to supplements, there are so many out there. But how do you know what you need, and what the difference is between protein powder and say, a BCAA? And do we all need to be taking collagen? Plus there’s a lot of buzz about creatine for women right now…is it merited? We’re diving into all of this in more in the second installment of my protein for women series.

In this episode, I’m exploring….

Protein for Women: Part 2 Plus How to Use Aminos, BCAA’s, Collagen and Creatine Recap of the essential aminos, and why we need them
Protein for Women: Part 2 Plus How to Use Aminos, BCAA’s, Collagen and Creatine The difference between protein powder and free-form amino acid supplements
Protein for Women: Part 2 Plus How to Use Aminos, BCAA’s, Collagen and Creatine How amino acids impact our cognitive function
Protein for Women: Part 2 Plus How to Use Aminos, BCAA’s, Collagen and Creatine The benefits and differences of BCAA’s and Essential Amino Acid formulas
Protein for Women: Part 2 Plus How to Use Aminos, BCAA’s, Collagen and Creatine Some thoughts on why under-consuming protein is so common
Protein for Women: Part 2 Plus How to Use Aminos, BCAA’s, Collagen and Creatine The pervasiveness of information that doesn’t serve women
Protein for Women: Part 2 Plus How to Use Aminos, BCAA’s, Collagen and Creatine The benefits of creatine for women and tips for using it
Protein for Women: Part 2 Plus How to Use Aminos, BCAA’s, Collagen and Creatine How to get collagen in your diet, and when and why you might want to supplement
Protein for Women: Part 2 Plus How to Use Aminos, BCAA’s, Collagen and Creatine Why supplements are “nice to have” but not “required” and who might benefit from them

Links featured in this episode:

  • Protein for Women Part 1: Plus tips for using and choosing protein powders 
  • Rock and Restore essential amino acids formula by Betty Rocker
  • Why I recommend creatine for active women (article)
  • Smart scale for tracking body composition
  • Creatine monohydrate supplement by Thorne
  • Full Body Collagen by Betty Rocker
  • Betty Rocker meal plans

Episode Transcript

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Betty Rocker (00:15):
What’s up, Rockstars Coach Betty Rocker here. Thanks so much for tuning in to spend some time with me today. So as promised, I’m going to continue our conversation from last time where we went over some of the important benefits of protein and the amino acids. It breaks down to how important it is for women, especially to include it with each main meal throughout the day. Plus, I went over some suggestions for how much you need and how that changes as we age. Now, last time I also talked about protein powders and shared some tips with you about choosing a good one for yourself. But there are a lot of products out there besides protein powder that contain amino acids. So today I wanted to tell you about the differences between a protein powder and then things like collagen or creatine and amino acid formulas like BCAAs or an essential amino acid formula because you know, it can be hard to know the difference between all that stuff.

So for starters, as a recap, we were talking about how there are 20 odd amino acids that have a lot of different jobs, and of that pool there are nine that your body can’t make on its own and needs to get from food. So we wanna make sure we’re including protein in each main meal. And if we’re not eating complete protein sources, which are protein sources that include all nine of those essential aminos that we’re eating, a combination of foods throughout the day that include them all to just cover our bases, right? And a protein powder is like a protein in your food that you eat. Your body breaks down the protein during digestion to extract the amino acids from it. Ideally, we’re gonna choose a protein powder that contains all the essential amino acids. So we’re covering our bases and getting more for our money.

And remember I said last time you don’t “need” a protein powder. You can get your protein from your food and your daily meals. But you know, for those who find it convenient or use it as a way to boost their daily protein intake, it’s a great and easy option. I definitely recommend checking out that last episode if you haven’t listened to it yet. As I go over all the tips for choosing different kinds and a lot of different types that there are and what you might wanna consider when making your choice. And the reason I point out that your body, you know, digests protein powder like it does food, is because supplements like BCAA or an essential amino acid formula are typically going to be in what’s called their free form, which means your body can access them right away rather than needing to digest them first.

This is why they’re often used as a workout supplement because you know it’s not easy to digest and eat during a training session. And remember, when we’re working out, we’re actually breaking down our tissue, creating that inflammatory response that the body then is gonna need to recover from when we rest and refuel. And this is why exercise is a stress to the body. And one we wanna consider adding to our system when we’re not already in a stressed or inflamed state. Ideally we come to a workout rested and recovered so we can more easily handle the stress that the workout creates. So one of the things the body’s gonna need for the repair process is amino acids. And this is why I was saying we need to ensure we’re eating enough protein in general and including protein with each meal and not skipping meals around our workouts because we need those amino acids for muscle tissue repair and growth.

And if we’re constantly working out, which is breaking down our muscle and then skipping meals, we’re gonna stay in a deficit for our muscle to be able to recover, let alone get stronger. And this becomes really crucial to pay attention to if you’re say over 40 or in perimenopause or post menopause because we don’t absorb the amino acids from our protein as easily as we get older, meaning we need more of them to do the same amount of work as before. This can be a really big contributing factor in muscle loss. So what’s the difference between A B, CAA and an essential amino acid formula like my rock and restore for example, while the branch chain amino acids or BCAAs for short are three amino acids that support our muscle tissue and the repair process, and those are leucine, isoleucine, and valine and essential amino acid formula is gonna contain all nine of those essential aminos that your body can’t make on its own, which include the three BCAAs.

And this is one of the reasons I actually chose to create an essential amino acid formula rather than just A B, CAA by itself. I was very specific about including an optimal dose of leucine, which is one of those three BCAAs in this formula because it’s the most muscle supporting of the three, which really helps your body repair and decreases soreness after you train. And also because it crosses the blood brain barrier and really helps to support cognitive function. And a lot of women start to experience things like brain fog and fatigue, especially as they approach menopause. And it can also be a PMS symptom as well. And as we talked about last time, you know, just having enough amino acids in our system can really help support that neurotransmitter activity. It was just reading a study from 2020 where they had men and women who were 55 and older and they split them into two groups for 12 weeks.

And one group was given an amino acid supplement that contained the essential aminos and the other group was given a placebo and then they tested their cognitive function before and after the study. And guess what they found? That’s right. The group that took the amino supplement had significant improvements in cognitive function. Now this study was done because it is understood that under consuming protein is a potential risk factor for dementia. So they wanted to study the impact that taking an essential amino acid blend would have on these participants. And their conclusions were that taking the aminos led to improved attention, what they called cognitive flexibility and psychosocial functioning, which is expected to really prevent cognitive decline. So one of the reasons I think we don’t hear much about under consuming protein more often, or you know, why it’s not something people are aware of is because of that RDA we talked about before.

And that a lot of people are kind of basing their recommendations on this very low figure that recommended daily allowance came from a study done on sedentary men and it was meant to provide a baseline number, not necessarily a number that is for active individuals who are going to have a higher turnover of muscle breakdown and repair than say a sedentary person. Or for older adults who are experiencing say, muscle loss, that figure is pretty low for active women and for women who are over 40, especially like I was saying, because our protein needs just, they increase as we age and the body doesn’t absorb those amino acids as easily as it used to from our protein sources. So we just need a little bit more to do the same amount as before. So if you weren’t eating enough before and your needs go up and you’re eating the same amount as before and it’s low, your body may really struggle.

And you know, sometimes I feel like people are just getting mixed messages from their healthcare providers and from different sources about protein. You might be hearing that you’re getting enough protein if you’re basing your recommendations on this RDA, which is super low and it’s just meant to cover like baseline survival needs if you’re a sedentary man. But what about women and what about activity level? You know, I’m gonna go off on a tangent here because outdated or mist contextualized ideas really persist in our culture frequently and they don’t serve women. For instance, the BMI, which stands for body mass index, was developed in the 18 hundreds by a Belgian guy who was going after the statistics of Belgian men’s ratio of height to weight. So he could determine the average man, not woman man. And also one culture’s body mass index for one gender is not an accurate representation of the genetic differences of the world’s diverse population.

So it just seems kind of problematic to me that doctors are continuing to use the BMI as an indicator of obesity when there are just better methods available. You know, methods that don’t rely on an outdated one-sided data point I, I mean, you know, we could simply use like the body composition of individuals on a case by case basis as a better reference. Like actually taking a look at body fat percentage and lean mass or muscle tissue. And there’s a ton of tools out there that the average consumer even has access to, like smart scales for instance, that use bio impedance to determine your muscle to fat ratio. And they give a pretty good range of information. And if you use them over time, you can really get a great look at your progress and a really great range of information. And it’s far better than you know, just looking at your overall weight for example.

And I just feel like this is what really sends the wrong message. We’re so trained to think that weighing less is the only answer that matters in our health. And while that may be true to some extent, the answer is just more nuanced, right? It’s, it’s about increasing your lean mass or muscle tissue, which as we’ve talked about, has so many benefits to us from both a metabolic perspective, which supports fat loss to a capability and strength perspective. It’s amazing. We don’t focus on it more as a culture and especially as we age. My point is we’re getting these BMI measurements and we’re told we need to lose weight and yet we don’t always have the best framework for a healthy, sustainable way to go about that. Or an understanding of our body tissue and the differences between muscle and fat and how our body composition is going to be something that’s more important and serve our health interests in the long run more than just our weight on the scale.

Right? And this is exactly why I’m talking about protein because women are reported to consume less protein than men overall. And I hear from so many women about sugar cravings, which can be greatly reduced by simply including enough protein in our meals throughout the day. And you know, then we’re also dealing with things like greater instances of depression and the brain needs amino acids for neurotransmitter function and brain function in general. So depriving ourselves of this essential key element of our diet tends to make us way more reliant on carbs and fat. It makes it harder to avoid cravings and snacking, which also then doesn’t supply the muscle tissue with the building blocks it needs for that tissue repair. So we’re not fueling the muscle or the brain. So our body breaks down the muscle. We have to access the amino acid stored there, lowering our lean mass.

And if we’re getting too many carbs and fat, it’s storing extra in our fat cells. And if we’re pushing ourselves too hard with our workouts because we don’t realize this is happening, we may be contributing to more inflammation in the body that can then elevate our cortisol and our stress response. And this all leads to gaining more body fat. So back to BCAAs and essential amino acid formulas, you could use either of these types of formulas during a workout to help boost your intake of those specific aminos that your body needs for the muscle tissue repair. I think I had mentioned before that like I had just decided to make a complete essential amino acid formula because I found it to be like the most versatile and useful, uh, formula that there would be. But either of these types of formulas would be great and whether or not you need them, you know, I would say this is a bonus supplement.

If you’re eating a well-balanced diet and really prioritizing your protein with each meal and you’re getting a wide range of amino acids, this is not something that you need. It’s more of like a nice to have the people who would really benefit from using it would be anyone who’s strength training regularly or you know, working out a lot. Uh, maybe anyone who’s not getting enough dietary protein in or is maybe concerned they’re not getting all the essential amino acids in the foods that they’re eating. And for my ladies who are active in, in perimenopause or post menopause, I would, I would say this would be a, a good thing to have as well. I really started using it and wanting to have it in my own rotation as I hit perimenopause because I knew my needs for amino acids had just really increased, right? I drink my rock and restore aminos during a workout.

Typically though I could use them at any time of the day and I tend to use them on days that I’m training, but I also have been known to use them on non-training days as well just to cover my bases. Now one other thing that I throw in with my aminos is creatine. Here’s another one I have learned a lot about in the last few years and I really prioritize it in perimenopause and I’m gonna continue to prioritize it post menopause. I probably would’ve benefited from it earlier too, just with the way that I exercise and especially back in college when I was a vegetarian. So I’m just saying it’s a great supplement for women of all ages, but there is some actually exciting newer research for women that shows the benefits of creatine for women being able to, you know, better hold onto their muscle as they age.

And specifically for post-menopausal women, which is who they studied in one of these studies. So that’s pretty cool. And creatine is actually something our body makes. It’s a combination of three amino acids and most of it is stored in our muscle cells, but some of it is also concentrated in our brain and our central nervous system, we can actually eat foods that contain creatine like meat or fish or dairy or take it as a supplement. And the majority of our creatine is stashed in our muscle cells. So when you’re doing like a higher intensity exercise like resistance training with a heavier load or explosive cardio like sprinting or jumping or plyometrics, it separates to help generate an energy producing ATP molecule that gives you more power and more power means you can go harder for just a little longer in your workouts, which adds up to better results, like being able to strengthen your muscle tissue more effectively and support your bone density, both short and long-term.

Studies of creatine use in active women show improvements in strength and power plus lean mass development. And this is also really beneficial for women in the menopause years As we start to lose our estrogen. There’s a pretty direct correlation with the loss of our muscle and bone density, but with the regular practice of strategically timed resistance training and explosive cardio, if say you follow my training programs that have those custom sequences for women in per and post menopause plus upping your protein intake, you can bypass the muscle loss and actually gain strength and lose body fat during these life stages. And creatine supplementation can give you an edge in this process with its support for ATP by helping to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress. I had mentioned before that we also store some of our creatine in the central nervous system. And that’s actually interesting too because these are some of the amino acids that have an important role to play in our mood and our neural function.

There’s evidence that creatine supplementation can support depression symptoms in women. And this may be partly because it’s been reported that women have 70 to 80% less stores of creatine than men do, and of course are reported to consume lower amounts of dietary protein compared to men. We were talking about how creatine is found naturally in some high protein animal-based foods, but that our body can also make creatine from amino acids. If we’re not eating enough dietary protein in general in any form, it’s going to be that much harder for our body to like synthesize the creatine for our muscle and our brain function. Now we make less creatine during certain times in our life too, like during our period during pregnancy and postpartum and also post menopause. And I was just thinking about, you know, mood swings that happen around our period and incidences of postpartum depression if we’re low on the building blocks that support our neurotransmitter activity and impact things like depression, you know, low intake of dietary protein could really just exacerbate our symptoms.

Now this doesn’t mean you need to be going out and getting a creatine supplement because remember we make creatine naturally with amino acids in food. But if you think you’re maybe under consuming dietary protein or you feel your needs for it may be greater than what you’re getting, a supplement could be a great way to ensure you’ve got what you need or help give you the edge in your training. I just throw mine right in with my rock and restore aminos and I use, uh, creatine monohydrate, which is the best studied form of creatine. It’s just a, you know, white powder that dissolves in water or anything and you can take it daily, you know, make sure you’re drinking plenty of water in general and follow the recommended serving, which is about five milligrams. Usually you can dose up like some people like to, um, do large amounts up to 20 um milligrams daily as they build it up in their system.

But this really may not be necessary, especially if you’re just already eating protein, plenty of protein in your meals and you just wanna get that edge and boost up a little bit. Just start taking it daily and I’ll share a link to the one that I use in the show notes page for you if you wanna check it out. And there’s a whole article about it on my blog if you want more of my tips and my experiences with using it. Now, speaking of white powder that dissolves in anything , I also use a collagen supplement and that’s also one that I make. Here is another totally bonus supplement that you do not need. It’s just another of those that’s a nice to have, especially as we age because we make less collagen than we did when we were younger. And this is one of those things that contributes to how we age and see things like less skin elasticity and volume in our face, maybe more fine lines and wrinkles.

It’s also one of the building blocks you need for cartilage and bones, for strong joints and connective tissue. And collagen actually contains quite a few amino acids, but it has three in higher concentrations and they specifically support our bone skin and our joint health. Collagen is not a complete protein in the sense that it doesn’t have all the essential amino acids your body can’t make on its own. And that’s why I don’t really count it towards my total daily protein intake. I just use it as a bonus and I typically throw it right in with my rock and restore and my creatine though, I could also put it in just about anything. And you know, collagen can make its way into your diet with foods like bone broth, slow cooked organ meats, kidney pies, baked beef hearts, whole crustaceans, whole fish soups and stews. But you know, some of those foods harken back to a a different time.

And if you’re not regularly eating those types of foods, you may not be getting any of that goodness into your body. So a supplement can be helpful. When I was making the one in my product line and testing it out, one of my tests was that it was so finely hydrolyzed that if I stirred it in a glass of water, it would fully dissolve and not change the color of the water or be visible in any way. And that’s how my full body collagen is and how it came out. It’s a very pure and clean collagen with no additives, just collagen peptides. And you can put it into like anything. So whether you use mine or something else, just read the label of what you’re getting and look for a hydrolyzed collagen, which just means it’s broken down to the smallest particle, which makes it easier for your body to absorb and use.

One of the other reasons I use collagen is to support good gut health. Collagen’s gonna really support the gut lining and the intestinal epithelial cells that help your body absorb nutrients and support a healthy immune system. And like I was saying before, as we age, we just don’t produce as much collagen and we need that collagen for, you know, our joints and skin and bones, but also the cells that line our intestines for good gut health. And aside from aging, a lot of people don’t have enough collagen due to a poor diet. And your body can’t make collagen if it doesn’t have the building blocks, the amino acids, right, to create them. So there’s a theme going on here, right? We need to eat enough protein for the amino acids because as you can see, we just need them for so many things that impact our health.

So it just makes me think about, you know, how much is going on inside our bodies on autopilot, right? That we don’t even think about. And that if we can support that internal team of workers who are all working nonstop every day to support our health and our lives, we really do experience a better quality of life. And that, you know, doesn’t mean that you need supplements. I just wanna stress that point. Like you do not need to buy all of these things. You can totally get what you need from intentional eating. I really do see them as a bonus and they can be super beneficial for people with specific needs and specific goals. So even though I myself make and produce a lot of neat things, I’m not here to make you feel like you’re not doing enough or that you don’t have what you need.

I just want you to know more about the building blocks that your body needs and why, and that these convenient shortcuts exist in case you need them sometimes or anytime, and that they’re there. And if you do invest your money in these things, that you get a high quality product that actually does what you need it to do and it supports you. So that’s it for me for today. I hope that this was helpful. And remember, you can find all the links to the things I was talking about over on the show notes page for this podcast@thebettyrocker.com, and you can find lots of helpful articles and tips about supporting your body at every age, whether you’re in your cycling years in perimenopause or post menopause. So be sure to check out the women’s health section and all of the great free resources like workouts and recipes and so much more. And thanks so much for spending some time with me today, rockstar. It’s always a pleasure to connect with you and I look forward to talking to you again soon. So till then, I’m Betty Rocker and you are so awesome, flawsome, and amazing. Bye for now.

Shop Whole Betty Protein Powders, Collagen Peptides, Free-form Essential Aminos and more!

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The post Protein for Women: Part 2 Plus How to Use Aminos, BCAA’s, Collagen and Creatine appeared first on The Betty Rocker.

Coping With How the World Treats Your Weight Loss

Coping With How the World Treats Your Weight Loss

Losing weight can bolster confidence, but it can also impact how others treat you. Knowing how to manage relationships and social changes after weight loss is vital to protect your mental health as you navigate the maze of feelings associated with having a “new body.”

Taking a GLP-1 (Glucagon-like peptide-1) medication has the potential to impact your weight in profound and sometimes unexpected ways. These revolutionary drugs often provide rapid results that can make you slimmer within mere months. While having a smaller body can certainly help you feel more confident, there are also some downsides, namely, the way other people start to treat you in your everyday life.

A poll conducted by KFF Health found that approximately 4 in 10 adults who said they took GLP-1 medication did so primarily to lose weight. Although significant weight loss has plenty of positive benefits for your mental and physical health, there’s also a darker side to living in a smaller body.

Facing Fatphobia

If you’re overweight, there’s a high likelihood that you’ve been forced to deal with a social stigma called fatphobia at some point in your lifetime. This inherent bias from others has the potential to affect people throughout their entire lives. Sadly, fatphobia often starts in childhood and continues well into adulthood.

The “symptoms” of fatphobia vary depending on the person experiencing it, but it might include things like:

  • being intentionally left out of social circles
  • feeling ignored and unseen
  • or even being mocked or made fun of privately and in public.

This awful, and quite frankly, immature behavior toward those who are overweight can have significant consequences on your mental health, and could even negatively affect your experiences when dealing with healthcare professionals.

This anti-fat bias or fat shaming can have serious impacts on your physical health as well. A study from the Canadian Medical Association Journal found that fat shaming has the potential to increase weight gain for those already struggling.

Dr. Robert F Kushner, MD, a doctor and professor of medicine (endocrinology) at Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine with a focus on nutrition and obesity, acknowledges that people with obesity deal with a range of social stigmas. “The stigmatization and discrimination of people who are overweight is rampant in health care, the media, and society at large,” he said. 

But what happens when you lose the weight and become smaller?

The stigmatization and discrimination of people who are overweight is rampant in health care, the media, and society at large.


Dealing With “Skinny Privilege”

The term “skinny privilege” or “thin privilege” refers to instances where you’re treated differently (usually better) when you’re thin than you are when you’re overweight. Some examples of this unique form of privilege might include:

  • More people offer to help you (i.e., hold the door for you, help you with groceries, etc.)
  • It’s much easier to find clothes that fit your new body size
  • You suddenly get hit on or asked out on dates more frequently
  • People start to compliment you on more than just your weight, like your clothing, hairstyle, and other appearance-based attributes
  • Your boss or other higher-ups praise you for being a hard worker or you’re offered a raise or promotion even though your job description or position hasn’t changed
  • Coworkers, family members, or friends who used to ignore you are now vying for your attention
  • It feels like people listen to you when you speak and/or look you in the eyes more often than they did before you lost weight
  • People who once treated you cruelly have a sudden and noticeable change of heart 

Since fatphobia refers to people avoiding or mistreating those who are overweight, think of skinny privilege as the complete opposite. You’re like a magnet that suddenly attracts all types of people to you whether you like it or not. When you’re thin, it’s as if you’ve become a bright light that has swarms of moths hovering near you any chance they can get.

Danielle Kelvas, MD, a doctor who specializes in treating eating disorders, writes, “Because society values thinness, people in smaller bodies may experience social benefits, like making friends more easily and accessing structural advantages.”

Managing Social Changes

Regardless of how you’ve lost weight, dealing with a brand-new world of unrealized relationships and social changes is challenging. It might even make you ask yourself, Do people only value me based on how I look? What about who I am as a human being on the inside?

It’s important to note that skinny privilege can impact anyone regardless of their status or background. Omar Bazza, a Toronto-based clinical therapist, lost 45 kilograms or nearly 100 pounds and documented his experience. He wrote, “As I lost weight, somehow, people started seeing me as more competent and more hard-working, which was not true at all, given that I had to reduce my workload to better care for myself. People started engaging in conversations more and wanting me to be around.”

As I lost weight, somehow, people started seeing me as more competent and more hard-working, which was not true at all, given that I had to reduce my workload to better care for myself.

Self-Care Strategies for Coping

Fortunately, you can proactively dismantle the difficulties you may face while dealing with this double-edged sword of being thinner while also being treated differently than you were before.

Focus on Self-Love

Caring for yourself as a whole human being, not just your outward appearance, is vital before and after weight loss. Regardless of how people treat you now, only you have the power to determine your worth. Self-love and self-care are always important, but it’s particularly important now. Remind yourself that you’re worthy of love and respect all the time regardless of your size.

Don’t Engage

If someone is body-bashing another person, do everything you can to avoid joining that discussion. Even better, situations like this allow you to be an advocate for someone else (only if you feel comfortable taking a stand and speaking out). It’s also crucial to avoid body-bashing yourself and focus on your accomplishments and how far you’ve come instead.

Most importantly, accepting compliments from others about your weight loss in a way that redirects the focus on your hard work or yourself as a person rather than your appearance and size alone is key. This simple shift in mindset reminds others that your weight loss is much more than just shedding pounds – it’s also about your strength, determination, and resilience.

Avoid Harmful Media Narratives

From social media influencers to movie stars, society and the media tell us why we should perceive someone as beautiful and why we shouldn’t. Fashion magazines, TV shows, and even music can influence the way people view each other in real life.

This nonstop barrage of media creates harmful stigmas centered around weight. It’s best to avoid consuming this type of media if you want to cope with this complicated aspect of weight loss more effectively. Focus on friends and family, your career, a fun hobby, or how you can help others instead. 

Make Your Physical Health a Priority

Whether you’re still on a weight loss journey or you’re happy with your results, keeping your physical health at the top of your list of priorities should always be the focus. Listen to your body and make sure you’re getting vital nutrients from whole foods, plenty of good sleep, and adequate exercise. The healthier your body is, the healthier your mind will be, too.

Moving Ahead in a New Body

Being treated differently after losing weight is tough, but it’s not impossible to deal with. Ultimately, only you can determine your self-worth and how you perceive yourself. Shift your focus on what’s most important to you, and do your best to block out negative influences as you try to navigate a new world as a thinner person.

Dr. Matthea Rentea, MD, an internist and obesity specialist, sums it up beautifully: “Every day you get to decide who you want to be.”

Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
Coping With How the World Treats Your Weight Loss

By Michele Fair

Michele Fair is a freelance writer based in New Mexico with over a decade’s worth of experience writing for various clients. After taking GLP-1 medications for over a year, Michele is determined to use her experiences to help readers uncover the myriad feelings they may face as their bodies undergo significant changes.

A Tranquil Scottish Getaway with River Views

A Tranquil Scottish Getaway with River Views

A Tranquil Scottish Getaway with River Views

In anticipation of unpredictable weather during our 4-day road trip across Scotland, Marriott came through with an invite to check out their AC Hotel Inverness location, making our detour a total game-changer. After spending 24 hours on the road, in wet and wild conditions, it turned out to be a highlight of our trip, giving us the perfect combo of cosy vibes and a touch of luxury.

AC Hotel Inverness: Location and Accessibility

Strategically positioned for our visit to Loch Ness, the Inverness location proved to be an excellent choice. A mere short drive from the famed Loch, the hotel’s central location added convenience to our travel itinerary. The only drawback was the limited on-site parking, but the nearby multi-story car park, just a 7-minute walk away, offered a practical solution.

ac hotel inverness

A room with a view

Our good fortune continued as we were graciously assigned a room with an awe-inspiring view of the meandering river. The sheer beauty of waking up to this picturesque scene, complemented by the aroma of a freshly brewed morning coffee, set a tranquil tone for our entire day. The modern and impeccably clean rooms showcased the hotel’s meticulous attention to detail.

ac hotel inverness

However, it wasn’t just about the visual aesthetics. One charming and unexpected delight awaited us in the lobby – small sachets of lavender, inviting us to enhance our sleep experience. This thoughtful touch, alongside the scenic views, truly made our stay memorable.

ac hotel inverness

Dining experience

The on-site restaurant at AC Hotel Inverness deserves not only mention but applause. The staff’s attentive service and efficient delivery elevated our dining experience to a new level. The standout dish, undoubtedly the fish and chips, not only met but exceeded our culinary expectations, emerging as the food highlight of our entire road trip. Every bite was a harmonious symphony of flavours that lingered on our taste buds, leaving us craving more even after our plates were empty.


For those who prioritise wellness even during travel, the well-equipped gym proved to be a pleasant surprise, allowing us to squeeze in a satisfying morning workout before continuing our journey. The in-room amenities, including a convenient coffee machine, catered perfectly to the needs of coffee enthusiasts like ourselves. It’s the small touches like these that collectively elevate the overall experience, making our stay not just comfortable but tailored to our preferences.

Marriott AC Hotel Inverness Review Stay

Overall thoughts

From the spacious and modern rooms to the genuinely friendly and helpful staff, our overall stay at AC Hotel Inverness was nothing short of delightful. The seamless blend of luxury and affordability, highlighted by the stunning river views and aromatic lavender sachets, contributed significantly to a memorable and personalized experience. Despite minor inconveniences like limited on-site parking, the positive attributes of the hotel far outweighed these considerations.

The AC Marriott in Inverness surpassed being just a place to rest during our Scottish road trip; it emerged as a standout highlight. It not only provided a comfortable haven during unpredictable weather but also added a touch of luxury and thoughtfulness that significantly enhanced our overall travel experience. We wholeheartedly recommend AC Hotel Inverness to fellow travellers seeking not just accommodation but a perfect blend of comfort, convenience, and personalized charm.

For more information on AC Hotel Inverness, visit their website www.marriott.com.

Check out our last Scotland road trip, with all the best places to visit and a 4 day itinerary.


EDITOR: Specialising in nutrition, fitness, hiking and pretty much anything outdoorsy. Currently training for the UK National three peaks.

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Festival Ready with Simply Be

Festival Ready with Simply Be

AD – the following is a paid partnership with Simply Be and contains affiliate links, however this has not affected my opinion of the clothing and this blog is an honest reflection of my thoughts & experience with the brand.

When it comes to festival fashion there really is no right way, or wrong way to do it. It can be quite daunting in the months leading up festival weekends, seeing people post their festival outfits on social media and worrying that you’re not as prepared as them (this absolutely happens to me every year).

Festival Ready with Simply Be

But I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be daunting, you can be as wild, loud and revealing as you want, or wear your favourite styles/cuts that you wear in “real life”. The most important thing in my opinion, is to wear items you’re comfortable in: for long days, no matter what the weather might be. For me I like a little comfort, mixed with colours, prints and a splash of glitter (I apologise for the lack of glitter in this post, you know when I am in the field I am usually covered)…


Simply Be have always been a leading retailer for those with curves and I’ve seen them do incredible campaigns with a whole range of models and influencers. I was over the moon that they contacted me to help them show how easy it is to be festival ready with the plethora of options on their site – with sizes ranging from 12-32.


So let’s do this, your ‘inbetweenie’ festie bestie is here with her current favourites to show you how easy it is to put together an outfit this festival season! Full disclosure: I range between a size 14 & 20 depending on the item/shape/material, and have labelled the sizes I’m wearing of each item in this post!

In this blog I’ve put together 3 festival friendly outfits: bright & alternative, cute & femme, aswell as a black focused (but also Spice Girls inspired) option. They all have one thing in common, something that’s pretty big at the moment: ANIMAL PRINT!

OUTFIT 1: Bright & Alternative

Lime Leopard Cami Dress // Short Sleeve Mesh T-Shirt // Western Black Buckle Belt // Leopard Lace Up Boots Standard Fit

I usually exclusively stick to skater dressed because my tummy is an area of my body I’m a little self conscious about. However I could not resist this incredible statement dress when I saw it! Leopard print? Lime Green? Black Lace? Yes to all of the above. I’m wearing a size 20 here, which skimmed past my hips/tummy. I have quite an hourglass shape, so I cinched my waist in with a studded black belt (size 16/18)

I paired the dress with a short sleeve mesh tee underneath (size 18 – sizing down would have meant a slinkier fit), and a cute buckled belt. Both could easily be removed if the sun came out! And to complete the look: leopard print, chunky boots (size 6) for stomping around in.

Tip: wear this with a faux leather jacket for an edgy & alternative look (also to keep you warm on cooler days).

 OUTFIT 2: Cute & Femme

Printed Tea Dress // Satin Style Printed Scarf // Hunter Adjustable Short Gloss (Candyfloss)

It’s the last day of the festival, you’ve been living in a tent since you can remember & haven’t had a shower for days – meaning your hair isn’t looking particularly fresh. A headscarf is the perfect accessory, not only does it hide greasy roots, it also makes the wearer look pretty adorable, don’t you think?

I love the print on this Animal Print Tea Dress because it’s subtly animal print and the bright pink contrasts so well with the blue. This is a size 18 but due to the cut I could definitely have got a 16. I LOVE the length on this. So often I find cute dresses and with the combo of my butt/hips/tum it ends up being more like a long top, rather than a dress, that only *just* covers the bits I want. This is a decent length and I could even have a chill out sat by a tree without flashing.

If you go to festivals in England, you know that Wellies are an absolute must. I always take a pair even if it looks like I might not need them in the end, you never know when it might fall out of the sky! Adding a cute coloured pair makes any outfit a little more fun. These Candyfloss Pink Hunters (size 6) perfectly complimented the pink details in the dress, and I feel safe knowing I am 100% ready whatever the weather throws at me!

Tip: if you fancy showing a little cleavage, unbutton the top 2/3 buttons of the dress and use a safety pin on the inside edges to keep the collar folded down.

OUTFIT 3: Leopard Print Spice

Black Plunge Button Front Pinafore Dress // Animal Print Mesh Long Sleeve Top // Leopard Lace Up Boots

I really lived my Spice Girls fantasy in this one. Chanelling Scary Spice with the classic coloured leopard print, cute clipped up wavy hair, and also a dash of Posh Spice with a classic LBD (Little Black Dress) with a twist.

The deep V of this cute dress meant I could show off the leopard print mesh top underneath (size 16). The dress I’m wearing is a size 18 but I could definitely have got a 16 which I think would have pulled my waist shape in a little more. And of course the Leopard Print Boots from earlier were the perfect addition to this look! Add a choker for a classic 90’s vibe.

 Tip: if the weather is unpredictable & it feels like it could get cold – put a pair of tights in your bag to easily layer up. All the outfits in this post would look just as cute with tights/leggings!

Simply Be at a Festival

I also got my hands on a Gingham Water Resistant Pac a Mac from Simply Be which I coupled with the super cute Animal Print Tea Dress at a festival last weekend. Luckily it didn’t rain in the end so I didn’t need it, but it was good to be prepared incase (and it helped later in the day when the evening got cooler).

As a curvy woman that’s a bit of an inbetweenie – sitting somewhere between the top end of high street straight sizes & the lower end of plus sizes, it can feel quite overwhelming when trying to find new festival outfits. When you’re at a festival the last thing you want is to feel uncomfortable, or self conscious – clothes need to fit right, and not rip if you dance too enthusiastically (which has been known to happen to me before). I found the items that I got from Simply Be to be good quality, and they made me feel good – which for me is the most important thing!

Which outfit is your favourite? Let me know in the comments or keep an eye on my instagram @luisachristie as I’ll posting about each outfit over the next few days!

I can’t wait to rock these at festivals I have coming up over the summer. My first stop is Download fest this weekend. The hunter wellies & pac a mac are certainly going to come in handy if the weather forecast is correct!

Whether you’re a complete newbie and this is your first time in a field, or you’re a veteran and this is your hundredth – there’s something for everything on Simply Be. Now, go forth festibabes, and get yourself festival ready!

Photos taken by the wonderful Kaye Ford.