Sattvavajaya Chikitsa: Introduction, meaning and definition

Sattvavajaya Chikitsa: Introduction, meaning and definition

Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa S, B.A.M.S

Master Charaka has explained Trividha Chikitsa i.e. threefold treatments (Ref – Charaka Sutra Sthana Chapter 11, Verse 54). Sattvavajaya Chikitsa is one among the three important treatments.

Sattvavajaya Chikitsa: Introduction, meaning and definition

Sattvavajaya Chikitsa and the principles included therein majorly focuses at combating the mental disorders. Sattvavajaya literally means conquering over the mind. Here, the physician adopts various measures in balancing the disturbed mind.

The other two treatments include Daiva Vyapashraya Chikitsa i.e. divine or belief therapies and Yukti Vyapashraya Chikitsa i.e. logical administration of medicines and therapies.

Sattvavajaya is either independently administered or in combination with one or both of the other two modalities of treatment i.e. Daiva Yuktivyapashraya and Yukti Vyapashraya Chikitsa. Even as a standalone mode of treatment, Sattvavajaya Chikitsa is the best approach towards comprehensively handling mental / psychic disorders or psychosomatic disorders, especially in mild to moderate diseases wherein the mind is affected. In chronic mind conditions, it forms an integral part of the treatment approach but will need the support of other treatments also.

The modern-day approach towards effectively handling mental disorders include psychotherapy and CBT i.e. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and extended sessions of counselling can be considered under the umbrella of ‘Sattvavajaya Chikitsa’.

Sattvavajaya Chikitsa is correlated with the modern medical term psychotherapy (trance therapy). Sattvavajaya aims at reestablishing normal mental activities and creating a balance in the mind and its attributes through religious and regular practice of Yama, Niyama and Pranayama. Just like psychotherapy it is also a non-pharmacological approach which is administered for effective management of mental disorders and also to balance rajas and tamas attributes of the mind, which are considered as doshas of the mind.

Meaning of Sattvavajaya

Sattvavajaya word division – The word Sattvavajaya comprises of two terms i.e.

–        Sattva = mind,
–        Avajaya = to win, to overcome, victory, conquer

When we combine the meanings of both the terms, sattvavajaya translates to –

–        controlling one’s mind
–        victory over one’s mind
–        bringing the mind to a state of balance

This treatment therefore aims at controlling (self-control) the mind by restraining the mind from desires and attachments to worldly / unwholesome objects, materials, pleasures and desires which are the main causes for imbalance of mind attributes and causation of many mental disorders.

Sattvavajaya is achieved by increasing sattva quality of mind which in turn leads to suppression of aggravated rajas and tamas attributes of mind and consequentially establish a serene balance in the mind. These events and the resultant environment are much needed to cure mental disorders comprehensively.

Definition of Sattvavajaya

“Sattvavajayah punah ahitebhyo arthebhyo mano nigrahah”

Here Sattvavajaya is defined as any treatment or measure which helps to control the mind and keep it detached from the undesired and unwholesome objects (of sense and mind).

Ahita Artha – means undesired, unwanted, unwholesome and incompatible objects of sense organs. We know that each sense organ has its own sense object. The perception of objects of each sense organ and their understanding happens through the pathway of mind. If the mind is not involved it becomes difficult for us to understand the sense objects in their true sense in spite of a contact between the sense organ and sense object. The mind is associated with not only the sense organs i.e. jgnanendriya but also with motor organs i.e. karmendriya. Therefore manas i.e. mind is called a dual organ (ubhayendriya).

Apart from the sense objects, the mind also perceives many other objects. Therefore, any object in the purview of the mind is considered to be its objects (perceived and understood). These special objects which are perceived especially by the mind are called mano arthas.

In sattvavajaya Chikitsa, the person is trained to gain control over the senses and mind objects and keep oneself detached from unnecessary, unwholesome objects which could damage the mind and its functioning.

Asatmya Indriyartha Sannikarsha i.e. improper coordination between the sense organ and its related sense object is said to be one of the major causes for the diseases to be manifested. This improper coordination can happen in three ways i.e. deficit contact, excessive contact and perverted contact. Example – seeing things in excess is excessive use or contact of eye with its object, absolutely not seeing anything is deficit contact of eye with its object and straining to see minute objects may be considered as perverted contact. All three when practiced on a regular basis are damaging to the eyes. These equations are true for each sense organ. In all these incompatible equations pertaining to each and every sense organ, the mind is invariably involved in the coordination. Therefore deficit, excessive or perverted contact of any sense organ with its relative object is damaging to the mind and causal of mental disorders in the long run.

Similarly, deficit, excessive or perverted contact of mind with its own objects is also the main causative factor for mental disorders. These objects include –

–        chintya – thinking about many things
–        vicharya – analyzing between good and bad
–        uhya – inference, making guess
–        dhyeya – focusing on something with utmost concentration of mind
–        sankalpa – determination and decision on the basis of discrimination

Thus, not only the incompatible contact of sense organs with their objects but also incompatible contact of the mind with its own objects and functions is responsible for many mental disorders.

Putting these things in the language of treatment, psychiatric / mental disorders are best treated when –

–        deficit, excessive or perverted use of / contact of the sense organs and their respective sense objects are avoided
–        deficit, excessive or perverted use of the mind and its objects / functions are avoided or monitored in a channelized way

This will come under the purview of ‘sattvavajaya chikitsa’ especially in terms of prevention of diseases pertaining to the mind and also to get relief and prevent occurrence of mental / psychiatric diseases.


The ultimate goal of sattvavajaya is to keep the mind detached from the incompatible and unwholesome objects. This can be achieved through constant self or guided training of mind. The goal will be achieved not instantly but over a period of time. The person who is looking towards getting free from mental disorders should volunteer into the training process. The willingness is of utmost importance. This is possible if a part of the person is available for manipulation. In conditions like severe and complicated mental disorders / psychoses, it is difficult to achieve this goal but the medical team and patient’s support group including family and friends should get indulged in selfless approach towards bringing the mind back to a state of balance.

There are many facets, dimensions and methods of approaching the mental disorders and treating them through Sattvavajaya Chikitsa, but the foundation is to train the mind to keep away from the ahita arthas i.e. incompatible and harmful objects of senses and mind. This will eventually bring the mind under control, to the line of balance, to help one conquer the disturbed mind and get rid of mental disorders.


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