A Welcome & Introduction to ‘The Sentimental Wardrobe’

A Welcome & Introduction to ‘The Sentimental Wardrobe’

A Welcome & Introduction to ‘The Sentimental Wardrobe’

Good morning lovely people! A bit of a different one from me this morning, but just a little note to say that as of today I’ve just launched my shiny new newsletter, The Sentimental Wardrobe, over on Substack

GAH! What a way to start a Wednesday! Having been blogging and sharing life online for the best part of 14 years (an oversharer or a love for the autobiographical? Who can tell?!) I’m ridiculously excited to introduce to you another very exciting new venture for me (you can ‘READ ALL ABOUT IT!’ this morning, in my first post here). 

But in short The Sentimental Wardrobe is a newsletter rooted in nostalgia, but sharing what’s good and special now too (that I also believe will continue to feel special for years to come). If you know me (or even if you don’t)- you’ll perhaps know I have a real penchant for the past. Whether that’s rooting through vintage shops (and ‘smelly dresses’- THE JOY!), revelling in the fluro hues of indie discos of yesteryear (I’m sure there will be a whole post about my unwavering love of Cajun Dance Party one day) or scanning Pinterest for Pattie Boyd and a blue-eyeshadowed Sally Albright. I’m constantly looking back but forever excited about the future. 

So, whether you fancy curling up with some chatter about life, parenting, style evolution, shopping, new musc (and old), my fail-safe Vinted search terms, favourite second hand spots, new brands and makers that I must share on a NEED TO KNOW basis, a heart to heart about dating for the first time, mood-boosting playlists and conversations with women who I would quite like to be when I grow up (ahem)- I hope you’ll maybe enjoy heading over! It’s an internet picnic of sorts, with all of the best bits spread out and ready for you to sit back, relax and soak up. 

It’s also a way to hopefully access the community that I feel has sadly dwindled from blogging a little bit since I began (which makes it sound like it’s because of me- which I truly hope it isn’t!!) My blog is my baby- and I love writing in this space that is my own with all of my heart- but since starting in 2010 on Blogspot, things have changed a lot. I miss the excited community, commenting and the connection of familiar voices around the world leaving small imprints on one another (even if that was in the shape of a lookbook.nu heart)! 

I also think it’s worth mentioning that by writing here, it absolutely won’t change the content you see on this blog at all. There will still be weekly blog posts and Instagram content- just a little more over on Substack to get stuck into too! 

If you’d like to join the conversation, find out more and check out all the details you can do so here– thank you so much for sticking around! You’re the best ever.




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