3 Things I thought I needed to bring to my lectures and 5 things I actually did – Worcester Student Life

3 Things I thought I needed to bring to my lectures and 5 things I actually did – Worcester Student Life

Before I started university, I wasn’t sure how similar it would be to college. Wanting to be prepared I packed way too many things, which just made my bag heavy and awkward to carry.

Here are the three things that I thought I would need, but actually didn’t:

A Pencil Case

3 Things I thought I needed to bring to my lectures and 5 things I actually did – Worcester Student Life

As a Law & Psychology student I thought that I would be needing to take a lot of physical notes, so I packed highlighters, scissors, glue, and all kinds of pens. However, I found that almost everyone in my lectures used laptops or iPads instead.

I’ve found my iPad to be far more useful in writing and storing notes and much easier to come back to later, while still having the personal experience of hand-writing notes. I’d recommend bringing one or two pens just in case but definitely not a full pencil case!


A stack of textbooks

Unless your lecturer has specifically asked for you to bring your textbooks, buying and lugging them around is tiresome and usually a wasted effort. I found that if we ever used textbooks during lessons, it could be accessed online. If you ever find yourself desperately needing a textbook, you can always head over to the Hive library nearby.


I’ve found that most people have gone paper-less when starting university. Bringing a bunch of folders for loose papers usually isn’t necessary, especially since you probably won’t be receiving a lot of physical notes from your lecturers.

A student working on a Macbook laptop.

Now, here are the things that I actually needed, and continue to use on a daily basis:

Headphones or Earphones

As a commuter, I usually always have a pair of headphones or earphones to listen to podcasts or music on my way to lectures. I’ve found that even for those who aren’t commuting there can be awkward gaps in timetables where headphones are an absolute necessity to pass the time. I’ve also found that listening to study podcasts about my course has helped me further understand it and


For those extra long days, bringing a snack or two can be way cheaper and easier than buying something at the canteen or the campus shop. I’ve definitely been saved by a chocolate bar or two, giving me more energy between lectures.

Water Bottle

A white reusable water bottle on a desk

Similar to the snacks, a water bottle is essential for long lessons! Without it you can get dehydrated and tired, it’s more efficient to just bring your own and save the trouble of trying to find or buy drinks there, especially since there are plenty of accessible water fountains on campus!

A Book

Or well, any kind of hobby. I always bring a book with me for those awkward breaks between lessons or long commutes, but this can work for any hobby!

A student waiting outside, reading a book


Chargers are an absolute life saver! Personally, my phone dies without even touching it and there’s been far too many times where I’m stranded with a dead phone. Fortunately, most classrooms or study areas have ports for chargers.

I hope you find this list useful and remember this is just what worked for me personally, yours might be different and that’s okay!


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