Event Marketing Statistics & Worldwide Trends In 2024

Event Marketing Statistics & Worldwide Trends In 2024

Age, gender, region, and income stances on event marketing in 2024

Over 65s are the majority involved in event marketing 

The event marketing industry includes a diverse range of age demographics. The majority of survey respondents seen in this particular survey highlight the significant presence of older event marketers, signifying that a more mature perspective is extremely relevant in the current landscape. 

Event Marketing Statistics & Worldwide Trends In 2024


With 21.6% of respondents being over 65 years old and only 15.6% being younger than 25, it appears that the influence of senior event marketers is stronger than previously anticipated.

The other age group’s engagement levels stack up as follows: 

  • 55-64: 20.4%
  • 45-54: 18.5%
  • 35-44: 14.2%
  • 25-34: 9.8%

Over 50% of event marketers are female 

The event marketing industry is female-dominated, meaning that there are more women (52.8%) actively working in this industry than men (47.2%) or other gender identities. 


Research from IBTM had similar findings: as many as 77% of people working in the event marketing industry were female in 2022, and 83% of respondents were women with executive positions in their company. 

However, women’s prevalence in event marketing still has hurdles to get over. According to the same IBTM survey, of the people who responded, only 16% were women with director-level positions, while 32% were men with director-level positions. This could indicate that despite a strong female presence in the industry, women are still outnumbered by their male counterparts when it comes to upper-level corporate positions. 

The majority of engagement is from US event marketers

Our data revealed where the highest and lowest engagement levels were for event marketers, and the graph below shows us this, and who’s in between:

The survey we conducted found that a whopping 63.5% of respondents were located in the US. Considering that the US holds the biggest market share of this industry globally, this isn’t surprising. 

But the US is not the only region to crop up—our survey showed that many other nationalities are represented in the event marketing industry, including the UK in second place with 11.7%, Germany with 7.1%, Australia with 4.1%, and Italy with 4%. Canada and France share similar engagement levels of 3.8% and 3.6%, while Spain only gets 1%, Mexico 0.8%, and Poland 0.4%.

Most workers in the industry earn between $40k and $80k annually

The engagement levels in our survey revealed who earns what every year:

A mere 0.6% of event marketers earn over $1 million per year, and just 8.4% take home between $500,000 and a million. The vast majority (27.8%) earn a much lower annual wage of between $40,000 and $80,000 on average. Considering that the average annual income for a US adult is $63,795, this information is consistent with the average event marketing earners from our survey. However, our data showcases a healthy bracket of earners (25.9%) who make between $200k and $500k per year, demonstrating that the income tiers for people working in this industry are extremely varied. 

More data from Glassdoor suggests that the average annual income for event marketers is between $55,000 and $103k, which ties in with the 16.2% who make $80,000 to $200,000. However, the amount ultimately depends on work experience, where you live, and whether you operate as a freelancer or under a company. Those earning the least also racked up the second lowest engagement, at just 2.6%.
successful career in this sector.

The figures in our data paint an interesting picture and highlight that, although there are challenges in events marketing, there are also plenty of opportunities to make money and enjoy a


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