101 Things in 1001 Days – Second Edition | Did I Succeed?

101 Things in 1001 Days – Second Edition | Did I Succeed?

Today I finished my second 101 Things in 1001 Days challenge. But how did I do? Well, I made a list of 101 things to do from 25th June 2021 until the 22nd March 2024, and I achieved 39 of the items.

Not quite as good as my first attempt at the challenge back in 2019-2020. In the first challenge, I achieved 48 out of 101 items. But what did I manage during my second attempt?

What did I achieve?

  1. Donate blood three times ✔ (Dec 21, Jul 22, Dec 22)
  2. Go swimming ✔ went in August 2022
  3. Have an eye test ✔ done in February 2022, and new glasses!
  4. Get a new job ✔ June 2022 started as Head of Fiction Marketing at Bonnier Books UK
  5. Give a talk at my old school ✔ gave a talk to their creative writing club in March 2022
  6. Write 15,000 words in one day ✔ wrote 15k in November 2022 
  7. Go to Disneyland Paris with friends ✔ June 2022 – after 2.5 years!
  8. Have a mini-break away in a hotel with a spa ✔ Stratford-upon-Avon in Mar 23
  9. Go to Cahoots for drinks ✔ with Hannah and Sammy, June 2023
  10. Eat at Dans Le Noir ✔ with Freyja on 15th September 2021
  11. Eat at Dishoom ✔ With work colleagues on 20th August 2021
  12. Make cocktails at The Cauldron ✔ for my 28th birthday
  13. Make homemade hummus ✔ went badly… January 2022
  14. Try ten new recipes ✔ (Garlic Pasta, Honey & Mustard Chicken Thighs, Sticky Chicken Bites, Garlic and Chilli Stir Fry, Prosciutto and Mozzarella baguette, Potato Focaccia, Baked Camembert, Roasted Garlic Soup, Homemade battered fish and chips and egg mayo pittas)
  15. Have a picnic ✔ For work in Green Park on 20th August 2021
  16. Host a dinner party ✔ With Hannah and Sammy in Mar 2023
  17. Complete a book series (not Harry Potter!) ✔ The Rokesby Series by Julia Quinn
  18. Get a tarot card reading ✔ had my read my cards in February 2024
  19. Go to a drag show/brunch ✔ Saw Manila Luzon at Heaven in July 2022 with Hannah and Sammy
  20. Visit Kew Gardens ✔ In April 2023
  21. Go to Secret Cinema ✔ Secret Cinema Bridgerton 5th March 2022 with Hannah and Sammy 
  22. See five new West End shows ✔ (Hamilton – Jan 22, Mary Poppins – Jan 22, Come from Away – Feb 22, My Fair Lady – Aug 22, The Crucible – Nov 22, Stranger Sings – Nov 22, Frozen – Feb 23, A Streetcar Named Desire – Mar 23, A Little Life – May 23)
  23. Watch 10 classic movies ✔
  24. Learn a new skill ✔ learned how to play softball
  25. Complete an escape room ✔ With the Books Before Boys Group in August 2021
  26. See Hamilton on the West End ✔ Finally achieved 15th Jan 2022
  27. Complete one year of French Duolingo ✔  Dec 2021 to Dec 2022
  28. Meet a celebrity and talk to them – don’t just stare ✔ Michael Ball at the audiobook studio, Sept 22 / Photoshoot May 23
  29. Go to a concert ✔ Abba Voyage on the 29th May 2022 + Coldplay in Manchester June 2023
  30. Get a new haircut ✔ dyed my hair, cut it short, and grew out my undercut 22nd April 22
  31. Complete three 30-day challenges ✔ (1. No Spend – Feb 2022, 2. 30 Day Reading Challenge – Apr 2022, 3. 30 Classic Movies in 30 Days – Aug 22)
  32. Foster a pet (Cat or dog) ✔ Fostered a 1-year-old cat and her four kittens in August 2021 / Fostered Shakspeare Kittens in April 2023
  33. Dye my hair a different colour ✔ dyed my hair purple on 22nd April 222
  34. Complete a no-spend month challenge ✔ – No Spend February 2022
  35. Have £3,000 in savings ✔ – very briefly in August 2023, then I bought a car
  36. Buy a lottery ticket – ✔ – October 22 Lucky Dip (didn’t win)
  37. Update my old blog posts and make sure the SEO is strong ✔ Completed December 2022, DA jumped up from 17 to 24
  38. Take a class on SEO and digital marketing ✔ Internal Digital Marketing course with Daniel Rowles
  39. Write a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days ✔

I didn’t achieve as many as I hoped, but I’m happy what what I managed during a very busy time in my life. I’m looking forward to jumping into my third attempt at the challenge – come back on Monday 25th to see what I’ve added to my list this time.

101 Things in 1001 Days – Second Edition | Did I Succeed?

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101 Things To Do in 1001 Day - 2nd Edition | What Did I Achieve?101 Things To Do in 1001 Day - 2nd Edition | What Did I Achieve?


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